Southampton to Collingwood Big Gravel Classic 166 Km

Distance: 166.6 Km / 103.5 Mi
Elevation: 1849 M / 6066 Ft
Terrain: Hilly, 76% Gravel, 24% Paved

This gravel ride from Southampton to Collingwood is a challenging route that showcases the beauty of Ontario's Bruce and Grey Counties. Starting in Southampton, cyclists will traverse across varied terrain, including flat country roads, rolling hills, punchy climbs, and some short sustained climbs. The route features extensive time on gravel roads, rail trails, and occasional single tracks, offering a diverse and exciting riding experience.

Along the way, cyclists will pass by the Kimberley, Blue Mountain, and Osler Bluff Ski Clubs and Resorts, adding to the scenic backdrop of the ride. For well-conditioned gravel cyclists looking for a memorable journey, this route provides a mix of challenges and rewards that will make it a ride to remember.


South Bruce Roubaix 130 Km


The Grand Gravel Tour of Bruce and Grey Counties 209 Km